International Markets for Enterprise Software Vendors: Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Others

​​​About the Book:

This is a business-oriented, non-technical book for managers of software and technology companies to gain an understanding of markets outside the U.S. and considerations for starting up sales in those countries. It divides the world into the following regions for analysis:

  • United States (U.S.)
  • Europe
  • East Asia
  • Latin America
  • Canada, Australia, New Zealand
  • The Rest of World

  It explores and ranks, compares and contrasts the 40 countries from the regions above on 4 Dimensions:

  • Wealth as measured by Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at purchasing power parity (PPP)
  • Acceptance of technology
  • Acceptance of English as a language of commerce
  • The technology sales and buying culture.

Then the book outlines considerations for enterprise software and technology vendors to expand their sales, channels and go-to-market capabilities outside the U.S. Any reader who is interested in learning more about the business and technology environments of more than 30 countries will find this book interesting and useful.

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